
12 April 2021

Vink Installatiegroep successfully refinanced and augmented its current financing facilities

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15 February 2021

Oriental Group completes refinancing & extension of existing bank financing facilities under the guidance of IFS

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1 February 2021

IFS accompanies Fransen Gerrits Group with house bank selection, refinancing and expanding its existing finance facilities

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2 October 2020

IFS Associate Edin Mujagić participates in a team of five monetary experts and advises the Dutch House of Representatives

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IFS Associate Edin Mujagić participates in a team of five monetary experts and advises the Dutch House of Representatives

Economic Perspectives® is an exclusive periodical publication written since 2013 exclusively for IFS relations by monetary and political macroeconomist and IFS Associate Edin Mujagić.

  • We are pleased to announce that Edin is part of a five-person team of monetary experts recently set up by the Parliament’s Finance Committee to advise this committee and the House of Parliaments.

Edin Mujagić (1977, Bosnia and Herzegovina) is a macro and monetary economist, speaker and publicist. He studied macroeconomics at Tilburg University and specialises in central bank policy. His macroeconomic analyses have appeared in newspapers and magazines in more than 20 countries. Edin is chief economist at ‘OHV Vermogensbeheer’ and also a member of the Monetary Circle, a policy forum of academics and policymakers in the Netherlands. Now, Edin has taken part in a five-person team of monetary experts recently created by the House of Representatives' Committee on Finance, which advises this committee and the House.

The author
Edins publications include ‘Tien Jaar Euro: biografie van een jonge wereldmunt’ (2009), ‘Geldmoord: hoe de centrale banken ons geld vernietigen’ (2012) en ‘Boeiend en geboeid: een monetaire geschiedenis van Nederland sinds 1814/1816’.

Economic Perspectives® is published on the basis of the regular meetings of the European Central Bank (ECB) and the American Central Bank (Fed). The publication following the meeting of the ECB mainly covers developments in Europe / the European Union, European interest rates and the Euro. The publication following the Fed meeting puts more emphasis on developments and prospects in the United States and the rest of the world. The reports are provided with catchy infographics.

Your questions answered
Should you have any questions regarding economic developments, would you like to delve deeper into certain topics, or discuss the consequences of the developments and expectations for your company outlined periodically by Edin, please contact us to make an appointment for a personal interview with Edin Mujagić at 030-7602110 or via

  • finance
  • equity
  • treasury