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Topigs Norsvin refinances investment loan

In March 2019, Topigs Norsvin Holding successfully closes the refinancing of the existing investment credit agreement for its Canadian production facility. The CAD investment facility was transposed into a long term EUR 7.700.000,- term loan by partner bank Rabobank, providing the company with the required financing to further extend its activities on the North American continent. Integrated Finance Solutions (IFS) advised and guided Topigs Norsvin throughout this process.

Topigs Norsvin
Topigs Norsvin is world’s biggest innovative pig breeder. The company is owned by several agricultural cooperatives and produces more than 1.7 million gilt pigs and over 10 million doses of sperm on an annual basis. With Topigs Norsvin-genetics, an annual 110 million pigs are produced for consumption purposes worldwide.

The corner stones of the company are research, innovation and rapidly forwarding knowledge on the genetic development: Topigs Norsvin is known for its innovative methods in the application of new technology and the constant focus on cost-effective pig (meat) production. Continuous product improvement allows its customers to create significant value added.

Topigs Norsvin also has eye for society‘s demands on modern day pig breeding. The principle of balanced breeding has been applied for decades, meaning the animal is looked at and appreciated for being an animal rather than the sum total of individual attributes. As an example: every pig born has to be raised by its own mother.
These values make Topigs Norsvin much more than the best genetics company that fits the demands of modern pig breeding. The company also vouches for the best knowledge and support. Specialists at Topigs Norsvin support farmers to get the maximum value out of their genetics.

More information?
For more information, please contact Integrated Finance Solutions (IFS) at +31 30 7602110.

  • finance
  • equity
  • treasury