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31 January 2022

Profilplast realises refinancing, financiering bank guarantees and expansion of working capital

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Profilplast realises refinancing, financiering bank guarantees and expansion of working capital

In January 2022, Profilplast successfully completed the process of refinancing, working capital financing and financing for the purpose of bank guarantees, placed with its house bank Rabobank. This financing will enable Profilplast to realise its multi-year growth strategy, which consists of further expansion of production facilities on an international scale, as well as further sustainability through a unique recycling system for the reuse of plastic semi-finished products. Integrated Finance Solutions (IFS) advised and guided Profilplast throughout the process.

Since 1988, Profilplast in Sittard has grown into a modern and versatile company and has been operating for decades as a leading supplier of plastic semi-finished products based on a full-service concept. Currently market leader in the Benelux, serving various customers in Germany and Switzerland as well. Profilplast's product range consists of more than 90,000 items. It is headquartered in the Netherlands.

Profilplast operates in various segments, including Semiconductors, Pharma, Food, Infra, Installations and Renewable Energy. It proactively offers its customers customised solutions through a full-service concept with an extensive, versatile product range, combined with high-quality staff and a knowledge centre.

Profilplast is characterised by its unique way of working with all partners in the entire chain and its efficient chain management, a fine-meshed and extensive distribution network and just-in-time management thanks to optimal stock management. As a result, Profilplast's vision is based on three foundations, namely 'People, Planet, Plastics'. In addition to the above-mentioned chain management, in-depth knowledge and years of experience, whereby Profilplast customers are provided with optimum quality and service, Profilplast's specific focus lies in the stimulating and innovative translation of plastic applications and, above all, in sustainable and driven growth in knowledge, teamwork, market position and size. The company proactively responds to current market trends, where sustainability and innovation are key.

The funds raised will be used to increase working capital and finance bank guarantees, enabling Profilplast to build on its strong and unique market position.

More information?
For further information, please contact Mr Ali Aïssal at Integrated Finance Solutions (IFS) at the following email address

  • finance
  • equity
  • treasury