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IFS accompanies Elzinga Group in refinancing and expansion of its existing financing facilities

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IFS accompanies Elzinga Group in refinancing and expansion of its existing financing facilities

March 2020, Elzinga Group, located in Uithuizermeeden, brought to completion the restructuring and refinancing of its existing financing arrangement with house bank ABN Amro. The existing financing facilities where expanded also, to support Elzinga Group in achieving the envisioned growth. In addition, ABN Amro shall take care of all payment transactions and bank guarantees. Integrated Finance Solutions (IFS) assisted Elzinga Group throughout this refinancing process.

Elzinga Group
Eke Elzinga sr. was the founder of what is now Elzinga Group. As a village blacksmith, he first worked in Workum (Friesland) and travelled to where the work was. Which is how in 1962 he ended up in Oudeschip, a small village in the province of Groningen. He upheld close contacts with the farmers in the village and the surrounding area, and became familiar with the phenomenon of contract work. He saw an opportunity and with four sons at home, thus a four man workforce ready to go, Elzinga contracting company was born. Over the years, as a result of acquisitions, several business units were added to Elzinga Group, including a machine company, certification company and new activities such as bulk transshipment, supplying factories and offering logistics solutions to large factories.

Elzinga Group has grown into a multidisciplinary group of companies with a wide range of product service offerings, operating from a 'one-stop-shop' proposition enabling Elzinga Group to offer a total solution to its customers. Elzinga Group has a strong and experienced management team with a proven track record and expertise in the relevant sectors. Elzinga Group currently has approximately 160-170 employees and is continually active to strengthen its own internal organisation. As sustainability is greatly important also, solar panels are installed, making Elzinga Group currently self-sufficient.

Elzinga Group proactively responds to current trends in the market, whereby clients no longer focus solely on pricing, but also on setting up partnerships with companies. The Elzinga Group distinguishes itself on the basis of quality, attention to product, customer and innovation. In this context, the original credit structure was no longer suitable for the intended growth of the Elzinga Group.

More information?
For more information, please contact Integrated Finance Solutions on +31 30 7602110.

  • finance
  • equity
  • treasury