
7 January 2019

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IFS advises and accompanies Mol Diervoeding with increase & refinancing credit facilities

Per January 2016 Mol Diervoeding (animal nutrition) successfully completed the refinancing of its existing bank facilities. This included, amongst others, an increased working capital facility which will be applied to finance the targeted growth of the company. The entire finance arrangement is provided for by ING Bank, in cooperation with ING Lease and ING Commercial Finance. IFS advised and accompanied Mol Diervoeding throughout the entire process.

Due to the extended finance arrangement Mol Diervoeding shall be able to invest in a supplementary distribution centre in the South West of the Netherlands. In addition, it will extend its existing fleet in order to continue its unique logistics service concept while meeting the expanding wholesale activities.

Mol Diervoeding
Since its origination in 1938, Mol Diervoeding has grown to be the largest independent animal nutrition wholesale company in the Netherlands and Belgium. Mol Diervoeding created a unique logistics service concept and delivers more than 5.000 products such as animal food, animal pharmacy products and a wide range of other animal-related products. From its fully automated distribution centres in the North- and South West of Holland it supplies a large number of various retail- and other shops and stores in the Netherlands and Belgium, such as pet shops, garden centres, do it yourself stores and other related outlets.
Mol Diervoeding’s service concept entails a wide range of services such as drop shipment, combined deliveries of food and non-food supplies and in-store sales support and advice.

More information?
For more information please contact Integrated Finance Solutions at +31 30 7602110.

  • finance
  • equity
  • treasury